Was man im Hidden-Menu alles einstellen kann, folgt noch. Press and hold together button: SETUP & CAR (or MENU & CAR). Das Hidden-Menu lässt sich mit der Tastenkombination Setup + Car (beide Taste zusammen) öffnen, wobei man als erstes die Setup-Taste drücken muss. vagcarcoding - Phone or WhatsApp 07950 737 899. I have had this 'script', in another form, for a while now and it does not work on the 8V MMI units. Check this article: Enable MMI hidden green menu (2G, 3G, 3G+). ODIS (Offboard Diagnostic System) Oct 6, 2015. Some versions will have less or different options then described. Access module 5F (Information Electronics), then select Adaptation 10 and enter Channel 6. Make sure that your Audi Multi Media Interface 3G software version is up to date. Activating the green/hidden menu You must have VCDS to do this.Check your Multi Media Interface version.Ĭheck this article: Audi navigation systems – MMI RNS BNS RMC differences. You car need to have 3G or 3G+ system.We are not responsible for any loss or damage. Unpack the downloaded file and copy it directly to the root of the SD. When browsing the Audi MMI 3G hidden green menu stay away from Bootloader options unless you know exactly what you’re doing. Performing this procedure may cause permanent damage to your car. activated the hidden menu on my audi s5 today link for more info/ details on other coding options. Check out full description of the hidden green menu. Im Infotainmentsteuergerät haben Sie die Möglichkeit beim Audi A4 8K das Hidden Menue (versteckte Menü) für das Navigationssystem PLUS MMI 3g freizuschalten. Do you want to know whith MMI or MIB is installed on your Audi This article provides an overview of the many Audi head unit models. All that without diagnostic interface like VCDS. This article provides an overview of the many Audi MMI and MIB models. Audi MMI 3G hidden green menu can be used to change coding & adaptation of Module 5F – MMI 3G Control Head, enable some user interface features and tweak user experience.